Fifteen bloody kilometers

We did it. Just over two hours. Man, I’m tired. Thanks to everybody for their support, and especially to anon, brigita, Frances, and our parents for the donations. I took pictures along the way, but I didn’t want to lug my digital camera so we just used an instant one. I’ll post the pics as soon as I can get them developed.


8 responses to “Fifteen bloody kilometers”

  1. yay! congrats, girl! 🙂

  2. well done. contributions how? via paypal? i’m sure you told me before, but i clearly didn’t take it in. oops.

  3. anon

    Yey yey! Congratulations!

  4. Yeah, PayPal is probably easiest, if you wanna chip in. Direct it to Thanks!

  5. Hey- Howie – I can’t believe it is already over! Can I still (it’s the 27th/28th) give? Or do you have any other causes? I’m po’, but I can toss a fiver or ten-er(?) your way. Let me know!

  6. TD – Sure, that’d be sweet! Hey, when’s your walk, anyway?

  7. Dude, not ’til June. The fundraising is slow and tedious. Large sponsors are key, seeing as how so many of my pals are laid off / not working / artists and don’t have too much (but are still very generous). I’m a little worried.

  8. Yeah, that was the problem here too. It’s like, I asked Rodd’s friends and then realized that one was unemployed, one is being deported, and one’s spent everything he owns on a round-the-world trip. So nothing there. What, do you have some amount that you’re supposed to reach?