Jim Broadbent? Jim Broadbent??? There go my chances in both of my Oscar pools. I mean, hey, I like the guy and all (he was great in Bullets Over Broadway), but who in the hell predicted that?
Jim Broadbent? Jim Broadbent??? There go my chances in both of my Oscar pools. I mean, hey, I like the guy and all (he was great in Bullets Over Broadway), but who in the hell predicted that?
4 responses to “”
Meeeee! My money was on Broadbent or Kingsley. I kinda hoped Ben would win, seeing as ikkle Jim got a Globe for Iris. I’m still happy though 😀
yeah, he had actually very similar odds to ian on oscar day… man, i was totally between the two of them, but i went with the wrong one, like ALWAYS! – so sucky. also, i switched from gosford to memento, randy newman to sting, and denzel to russell at the last minute. DUMB! anyway, HH won, 6/9.
p.s. if you would have gone with ebert’s picks in my pool, you would have won (7/9). he did well this year for once!
FUUUUUUDGE. It figures, the one year I don’t use him in your pool. Damn. However, this means I might have done well in my other one…
And hello? Did anyone else think that Kate Winslet was the prettiest person there? She’s the only one who wore a damn color! I appreciated that, after all the drab black and flesh tones.