Jim Broadbent? Jim Broadbent??? There go my chances in both of my Oscar pools. I mean, hey, I like the guy and all (he was great in Bullets Over Broadway), but who in the hell predicted that?


4 responses to “”

  1. anon

    Meeeee! My money was on Broadbent or Kingsley. I kinda hoped Ben would win, seeing as ikkle Jim got a Globe for Iris. I’m still happy though 😀

  2. KMac

    yeah, he had actually very similar odds to ian on oscar day… man, i was totally between the two of them, but i went with the wrong one, like ALWAYS! – so sucky. also, i switched from gosford to memento, randy newman to sting, and denzel to russell at the last minute. DUMB! anyway, HH won, 6/9.

  3. KMac

    p.s. if you would have gone with ebert’s picks in my pool, you would have won (7/9). he did well this year for once!

  4. FUUUUUUDGE. It figures, the one year I don’t use him in your pool. Damn. However, this means I might have done well in my other one…

    And hello? Did anyone else think that Kate Winslet was the prettiest person there? She’s the only one who wore a damn color! I appreciated that, after all the drab black and flesh tones.