- jackiekashian: So fun @IndyPopCon @jokersindy #hamilton and #harrypotter cosplay- looks even better irl cc @Lin_Manuel https://t.co/LxqMJVNjld
- JillFilipovic: This is perfect. https://t.co/NbDTYdU4Xw
- IndyMonthly: .@MsVivicaFox shares how being a Hoosier plays in Hollywood, and why she won’t vote Trump. https://t.co/w6xUiulhLl https://t.co/xkvMYhZbHc
- juliaferraioli: If you're deploying on a Friday afternoon, you should have to type "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" first. https://t.co/rIlIopUQi8