- CallbackWomen: Thread ⬇️. Sending someone to a conf—to or from the US—will force ppl to reveal personal details to employer, e.g.… https://t.co/KMRiY2MPnv
- lifeatgoogle: At HQ today #GooglersUnite to show solidarity with immigrants, refugees, Muslims and fellow Googlers worldwide. https://t.co/g4V7fh8nZZ
- onsijoe: Reason #875 I work at Pivotal. Thanks @robmee!
- desplesda: it yours! https://t.co/pyE8z72hRw
- matthewbaldwin: Sally Yates or, as I like to call her, Mon Mothma.
- yow_conf: Perth, see @web_goddess Feb 7 to talk code & scarves. Thanks @Bankwest & @WITWA for supporting the event! https://t.co/wObl7b8tYP
- sudhanshutheone: @web_goddess great presentation today at https://t.co/2xzMfHZhHu loved it!
- GuardianAus: Star Wars 'Red Cup': director reveals young Han Solo movie title https://t.co/rxPFfZIp1X
- jstangroome: Thoroughly enjoyed @web_goddess' insights on making the lateral move from techie to manager tonight at #altnetsyd https://t.co/dayMtLKv26