- RuthanneReid: Excellent. *steeples fingers* https://t.co/1CJJDceYQP
- rosepowell: Including: @annie_parker @tinypang @jeamish @jmcduling @skyedoherty @DaveDri @web_goddess @nichopkins and @bigyahu Hi and welcome guys 🙂 (in reply to rosepowell)
- Nuggy92: Jessica Jones is the best thing produced for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fight me
- stephenlead: Optimism is a charity-mugger calling out to cyclists whizzing past, hoping they'll stop and talk about donations https://t.co/rL0gFqbm2o
- kakaCharlotte: "Stuff that has been useful #sharpies #exposuretovarieddomains #inspiring "@cecille_w_ #ggdsyd https://t.co/Ce4yPf8UKX
- aussielunix: Trained slackbot to reply "get off my grass" whenever nodejs is mentioned. My beard gets a tiny bit greyer every time.
- TheRealBnut: Ooh, some of my favourite humans too! https://t.co/egXO4USB2W
- LJKenward: First time I'm going in depth into my story. Been tearing up while writing it. It's been one year of coding but a l… https://t.co/Adixu6hneB
- Fifikins: When the snack machine gives you an M&Ms bonus! Must have read my mind! #fifikins2017 https://t.co/hLRQC6sDl4