Another important piece of my childhood has fallen by the wayside. The WWF is now the WWE. That story makes it sound like the World Wildlife Fund was being all unreasonable and litigious, though, when I thought that the wrestlers were the first ones to sue over copyright. *shrug* Oh well. Excuse me while I put on my Cyndi Lauper and reminisce about the Junk Yard Dog, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and of course, George the Animal Steele.
3 responses to “”
too funny—1 just did a piece on this for work! FWIW, the Fund was the first to file suit that the Federation’s use of and their logo was in violation of a 1994 agreement (with the Fund). yes, i know way too much about the life and times of Vince McMahon. (whose daughter, Stephanie, went to junior/high school with my sister!)
1, i, whatever… 😉
We are sooooo white trash! 🙂 I love it!