- melissa_loh: I don’t get to vote, but if I did, I would vote “yes”. @ New Farm Neighbourhood Centre https://t.co/6DaGjBwtGn
- starbuxman: @web_goddess You're an epic speaker talking about an epic topic and your presentation reflects that you know that and enjoy it (in reply to web_goddess)
- LJKenward: A highlight of @DDDPerth for me this year was Kris's locknote! Dear Network: Get Kris on tour for this talk! 💯💯💯 https://t.co/HmoRDVf9hd
- burrsutter: @web_goddess I like over-emote'ing people, makes for a more interesting presentation. Demonstrable passion is a g… https://t.co/lPV6kVDtCv (in reply to web_goddess)