- dataeditor: this site is sometimes good: a story in four parts https://t.co/biB0b402hS
- Doctor_Astro: @Sharat_Chander @fox @code_europe @heathervc @fabianenardon @yarasenger @silviakspiva @karaswisher @ltelkins… https://t.co/cYCqMT32OK (in reply to Sharat_Chander)
- allPowerde: All male lineup at #AWSSumimt Sydney (day3)? You can do better @awscloud, here are some ideas for next year:… https://t.co/G9yaFsgUzG
- tyschalter: @metroadlib Just today I was sucked into a round of .gif pronunciation debate. The G stands for “graphics” but the… https://t.co/1bQa8whigf (in reply to metroadlib)
- marlousteh: Quick @yow_conf crew selfie during the #yownight #break #dreamteam #selfie @web_goddess https://t.co/CJWATEdG0f
- developerjack: C'mon @ssharwood, I get the snark and the quips but perpetuating contempt culture with this defiance? #disappointed… https://t.co/BS4djnAsDQ
- auxesis: @developerjack Jack their entire business model is monetising contempt culture and outcome bias (in reply to developerjack)