- Sandobaito: The angels with the lapels pointing up and the demons with the lapels pointing down detail :') ❤ https://t.co/pHdYqDpOWv
- hannahyanfield: Thanks so much @rabbieburns and @innovationbay for having me as a guest on OTPBD #podcast! 🙏 I loved our conversati… https://t.co/TzjLW2rx9M
- StegerPatrick: What's the problem with #GKE raising their prices? Just switch to another cloud! That's the whole reason you're using k8s anyway right? /s
- kuso_otoko: here's something about kindness from @neilhimself that I think about all the time https://t.co/eP9KL5MGE0
- type__error: I take my PR titles incredibly seriously. https://t.co/Ww2xVx4sGV