- adamjk: cool to remember that for every person calling out a former employer this week there are 10 more who had to sign an… https://t.co/4KA37C8EKy
- mathematicsprof: Quote of the day: “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest to… https://t.co/CSBw33mW4M
- MikeRiethmuller: Hi folks, giving a little talk @DesignSystemSyd tonight. 6pm Sydney time. Streaming live at:… https://t.co/JSywR9enlz
- davidmackau: Daniel Radcliffe responds to JK Rowling’s tweets: “Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erase… https://t.co/ZMFtb9PqeZ
- 812filmreviews: "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."
-Albu… https://t.co/Ue12vcrx26
- annie_parker: Thank you Daniel Radcliffe for speaking out & being an ally to the Trans community.
“If you found anything in thes… https://t.co/CoYTpnZyDY - HappySinger: You're in Penrith, dickhead. https://t.co/V8WzifvOvl
- stilgherrian: This is 100% true, @jpwarren @dobes @jeamland. https://t.co/Z0BiWrsQyi
- choo_ek: Wondering why all my friends who are decidedly not having babies were posting a link to https://t.co/L4rx7JG0TK and… https://t.co/QLU2Z7SCV2