- i386: Making a special gin to celebrate my husband, David’s, 30th this weekend https://t.co/Uyabgf2OYL
- ivanividivici: Here’s the true story of how I overcame imposter syndrome:
One day my phone auto corrected it to “I’m pasta syndro… https://t.co/UNmO4jLDgD
- damana: Happy Amazoniversary!
We love having you with us. https://t.co/6lEnLiigcA
- jernej_kavka: Right now, @web_goddess is talking about Knitted Disruption with #AI! 😁
#BrisbaneAI #MachineLearning #Amazon #AWS… https://t.co/yNmTw0bz7X
- FeyreShadarAird: @erzaehlmirnix Der Haken dabei ist, dass ich deine lustigen Comics in der Timeline habe xD (in reply to erzaehlmirnix)