- tesseralis: man goes to doctor. says he's depressed. says work is overwhelming. everything is disorganized, swamped with bureau… https://t.co/Sa6z178oB7
- jenistyping: “Why did you leave your last startup?”
I recently saw some folks saying that they really struggle to answer this q… https://t.co/Jmom5AWFcA
- joshhunt: @keandrews Oddly enough, "Newtown Thigh" was my grinder username back in Aus (in reply to keandrews)
- QuinnyPig: Gatekeeping is shitty. Make the next person's journey easier than yours was. (in reply to QuinnyPig)
- martijnfrazer: @web_goddess A more civilised computer from a more civilised time (in reply to web_goddess)
- SeinfeldOps: So… a spot instance. AWS you're good at *taking* the reservation. But not so good at *HOLDING ONTO THE RESERVAT… https://t.co/h4Xf2jIImm