- IanColdwater: SHITPOSTING
is an anagram of
- AGeekwithaHat: When someone insults your new obsession https://t.co/TuZPMMQY0Y
- Lauri_Apple: Today's German word is "Knabberzeug": nibble stuff, aka snacks
- Lauri_Apple: Bonus daily German word is "Leidenschaft": suffer shaft, or *passion*.
z.B.: "Klaus hat eine Leidenschaft für Kna… https://t.co/IDP9ZEpswM (in reply to Lauri_Apple)
- Grady_Booch: If @Uber cannot survive as a vibrant business by treating its drIvers with the dignity and respect they deserve, th… https://t.co/ehXJW9zejB
- The_McJones: Look I know why you use it, it’s fine but can we at least agree that medium is a fucking ugly looking blog?
Like bleh
- randomknits: The lovely @affordabledogwalkers walks Bonnie for me twice a week. This is the picture she just sent of this mornin… https://t.co/xbbcDzWBnz