I found a great bookmaking tutorial today. I might have to try making a journal! (Not for me; this is my journal. But they’d make nice gifts…)


One response to “”

  1. Alastair UK

    Once upon a time, many moons ago, my sister bought me one of these kits for my birthday. She thought it’d be interesting for me to have a go at it; it was certainly that – we took complete artistic license, chucked the included covering material for a gorgeous, thick linen, and produced a beautiful little journal.
    Of course, I never got to use it, but making it with such results was a great feeling, as it was better than many of the commercial ones that you pay through your nose for, and has certainly withstood the test of time!

    Oh, and while I’m here, in a quieter thread, I feel that I should point that cats are the highest form of life (other than the kangaroo – I mean, it hops!); ours are the family’s pride and joy, are blissfully aloof, and very, very sexy. I think that the comment made about cats and their effect on Aussie wildlife is a very good one, but if you are well within the city, arm her with a jingly bell (she’ll get over the indignity of it in a matter of a few short years), and make sure she is neutered, then I’d say go for it. Biased? As if!

    Happy decision making 🙂

    PS. The comma in archivelisting.php also needs reintroduction into search.php. Thank you so much for saving me!