Gael pointed to a great site full of Saturday Night Live Transcripts. My friend Kel and I are having a lot of fun reminiscing about our favorite episodes from college. I especially liked “Tinker Bell’s Revenge” (with Claire Danes), “Celebrity Jeopardy” (I’ll take “The Rapists” for $200, Alex!), another “Celebrity Jeopardy” (the one where Marlon Brando writes “Poop”), Gwyneth Paltrow’s monologue, “Old Glory Insurance” (Are YOU protected against robot attack?), and “Star Wars Screen Tests”.
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“Suck it, Trebek.” i looooooooooove celebrity jeopardy!
I never realized that there were so many variations of the sketch until I started flipping through that site. I woulda liked to have seen Drew Barrymore as Calista Flockhart… 🙂
I have all of ’em (including Drew Barrymore as Calista Flockhart), so if I seeya before I leave, we could watch ’em. It’s funny how the sketch has progressed over the years. It’s gone from making fun of how stupid the celebs are to Sean Connery just ripping on Trebek’s mom. Fun stuffs… The best one: Trebek asks him (after he says something bad) “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” He replies, “No, but I did something to YOUR mother with THIS mouth!”