I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to hydrate myself properly. Today, for instance, I’ve drank 1.5 litres of water and it’s only lunchtime. I feel great, except for one little thing… I have to go to the bathroom every hour! It’s annoying. I don’t have a tiny bladder either; I used to pride myself on never leaving a movie or having to stop too often on long car trips. I nearly burst during X-Men 2 this week though! So will it always be like this, or will my body somehow get used to it? (I know caffeine is a diuretic, but I haven’t had any so far today.) How much water do you drink a day?
5 responses to “”
I have loads of problems due to not drinking enough water.
I recommend every cuts of soft drinks and sticks with good ole H20.
The common problem is that is makes me do typos and not concentrate while typing.
See above for proof!!!
I drink over 3 litres a day, not including what I have when working out. I decided to drink more water about 4 years ago and it’s really helped my health – used to get headaches all the time and now I don’t, plus I’m less tired. However, I’m sorry to say that the bathroom thing doesn’t go away – I’m still peeing like a mofo!
I’ve been drinking lots of water (10? 15? 20? glasses a day) for a very long time, and there is no increased bladder capacity. I always sit on the aisle in movies and airplanes, and have to stop at least every 100 miles on car trips. It’s inconvenient, but it’s the only way I feel healthy.
The recommended minimum amount that you should drink every day is 1.5 litres – 2.0 litres.