Hate seeing commercials at the movies? A Chicago attorney has filed a class-action lawsuit against the theater chains for breach of contract (i.e. not starting the movie at the advertised time). While I totally agree with this action, I think the example mentioned in the court documents is ridiculous. The movie started four minutes late. Four minutes! Heck, your watch could be off that much. In both England and Australia it’s common knowledge that you’ve got at least 15 minutes after the advertised start time before the movie actually begins playing. In fact, commercials are so prevalent here that I get more pissed off when a theater doesn’t have them. The Snook and I missed the first three minutes of Fellowship of the Ring because it started immediately while we were still out buying ice cream cones. I just want some consistency, you know? I remember when I lived in Germany they clearly advertised both the times when the ads would start and when the film would begin. That was nice.


3 responses to “”

  1. Grrr… in the States they keep adding more and more commercials, so you never know when it will start, other than a long while from the advertised start. You’d think that the super-inflationary ticket prices would be giving you a better movie experience rather than a worse one.

  2. Claire

    “in Germany they clearly advertised both the times when the ads would start and when the film would begin”… that is so German! But also a cool idea.

  3. Sal

    I had no idea that they did that in Germany! Sweet! Now I just need to find the movie theaters that play the English movies…