Photo Post

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto. We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto.  We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto.  We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto.  We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto.  We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶

BULLET TRAIN! Mr. Snook finally gets to ride the Shinkansen as we head off on a long day trip to Kyoto.  We picked seats with a view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it’s a bit too hazy. I’m taking advantage of the time to work on my sweater some more… 🚅🗻🧶