Dream Log

I woke up this morning with the following thought fully-formed in my head: “I need to mention my dream on web-goddess. I was out on a date with Jack Nicholson and we were on the Tube in London and we had to hide from Lara Flynn Boyle, who was working on the platform we were approaching.” The weird thing is, though, I’m not sure whether I actually had that dream (since I can’t remember any of it), or whether I simply made it up and then dreamt about posting it. Isn’t that odd?


One response to “Dream Log”

  1. quite odd. but only in the sense that you don’t know whether you actually dreamed it or just dreamt about posting it. the part about hiding from LFB made a LOT of sense. she’s a perfect example of “pretty in that scary way…” dammit, someone really should take that girl out for a banana split with extra everything.