New Poll: In honor of the argument I’ve been having with my friend Kelly for the past half hour, the new poll asks which band is better, R.E.M. or U2? (I think you know which I voted for.) I look at this sorta like the Beatles/Elvis theory that got cut from “Pulp Fiction.” It’s impossible to like them both the same amount, so you gotta pick one that you like more. Which is it gonna be? And be sure to leave your comments so the argument can continue.
Results from the old poll: Oddly enough, it spread out in a reverse bell curve, meaning that most people either read no weblogs each day or else tons of blogs. At least I’m not alone in my obsession.
9 responses to “”
i like them both…so i voted for both. ๐
WHAT?!?!?!? You can’t vote for BOTH!! Goddammit!!! AArrrgh… ๐
Funny thing, I have more REM albums. But I think U2 makes much better singles.
I still picked REM, though. Although tomorrow I might pick U2.
i just couldn’t decide! i mean U2 is *U2* afterall, and even though i haven’t been an REM fan pre-Green, i’m such a HUGE fan of Up…makes me kinda misty just thinking about “at my most beautiful.”
One of Kel’s arguments is that U2 will win out over REM in every demographic except one: gay men. She thinks that gay men will prefer Michael Stipe to Bono. On the other hand, last night Snookums speculated that Bono’s preening alpha-male testosterone act is off-putting to straight men, who will therefore vote for REM as being less threatening.
Any thoughts?
i would have probably voted for REM 4 days ago,but, since the night of the U2 swung my vote the other way. The germans and I all had 1 one-hundred level seat, and 3 nosebleeds. Achim snuck me down to the one good seat, and I watched the concert 15 from Bono’s ass. it was fantastic. i could have reached up and touched a cheek.
U2 concert. im in my post-work crazy homeless women daze.
Aww, Sal! Man, don’t fall for the ass. YOU’RE JUDGING THEM THE BETTER BAND BASED ON BONO’S ASS. If that’s your only qualification, I’m changing your vote. ๐
(I’m like Katharine Harris over here!)
I now apologize for voting on ass. ass is important, but not that important. i hereby, a month later, recind the vote. im sorry. ass will never suade me again.