One good turn deserves another, apparently.

I’ve been trying to find a selfless Christmas good deed and I feel a little like Phoebe (in the one where she hates PBS). I decided to make a sock monkey for Dean’s little girl. He tried to pay me for it today but I turned him down. I felt pretty good about helping give a three-year-old a good Christmas. But then tonight, he called me out of the blue as the Snook and I were eating dinner. Turns out he was right around the block and wanted “to give me something”. He showed up five minutes later with a mixed dozen of Krispy Kremes! I was floored; there are only, like, two outlets in Sydney and they’re nowhere near here so he must’ve made a special trip to deliver them. I’ve never even had one before! It was such a sweet gesture. But dammit, now I need to find a new selfless good deed, and tomorrow’s Christmas!


2 responses to “One good turn deserves another, apparently.”

  1. a heartwarming christmas tale indeed! marry christmas to you and rodd. mark and i are enjoying our first texan christmas. two sisters are now home, waiting for the other to appear. yay!

  2. that should read ‘other two to appear’..