@sharre I LOVE mine, as you might guess. Even the Snook is seriously swayed. And @AusVintageGrrl has given in?! You will be assimilated.
Huzzah! Booked in for Girl Geek Dinner in two weeks w/ @redambition and @AusVintageGrrl. girlgeekdinnerssydney.blogspot.com
@acatinatree When in doubt, it’s probably the effing SMH site. HATE IT.
As I said on Ravelry, I can’t even watch the Ped-Egg advert without gagging. IT’S A FOOT GRATER. For some reason that makes my skin crawl.
@randomknits @sharre I’m on $39 + $13 optus too, but it’s gone now. 🙁 My data usage is way < 200MB. (I have wifi @ home & work tho.)
@acatinatree Still need one? I’ve got a list purportedly from “Verizon/Sybase + assorted sources”. Can email to you if you like.
@randomknits Pretty sure. Rodd was interested but they pulled it 2 weeks after I got it. I think $59 is lowest Optus now. Will check.
@randomknits Yep, gone. No more plain Yes plans. Just Timeless and Cap for loads more. 🙁
@randomknits Rodd’s plan is to buy one outright, unlock it, and get a cheap plan with decent data. He’s with Exetel; he thinks it’ll work.
Sometimes supporting your wife is making her go to boxing when she’d give anything not to. Because she’ll be glad she went afterwards.
RT @acatinatree @markpollard: Free Twitter session in The Rocks, Syd Thurs 23 April http://tinyurl.com/cayzsp
hates this weather. There’s nothing worse than being steamy bus in the pouring rain, getting dripped on by brollies and roof and wet people.
@witty_knitter You’ve got iPhone, right? I use TwitterFon (free from App Store). But no, we have no SMS support in Oz (yet).