@witty_knitter Oh crap! Thanks for reminder. Was meant to get stew going in slow cooker by now. Oops.
@crumpet He’s intrigued. You must feel we’re tempting you with something. What is it? The siren drug of… CAT OWNERSHIP?? ๐
is all kinds of messed up from Daylight Savings. Still, got lots done today. Now it’s time for bed– Wait. At 8:30?? Yeah, messed up.
Went for a short run. @runkeeper had a pretty hilarious GPS glitch: http://bit.ly/GtWiX No, I’m not fast enough to run on water!
@runkeeper Think I left wi-fi on this time. Usually it’s fine on normal route, but today was just glitch. Looking forward to next release!
@mrs_sockvictim There’s nothing like running straight off the head into the sunrise. Very refreshing! ๐