Anybody else on Hunch? Got my invite today. So far I asked which Wii game to get, it said Super Paper Mario. Sounds about right…
Wow. Google Calendar says it’s Earth Day. I had no idea. I haven’t seen it promoted in Sydney at all.
Cricket on Mount Everest. Neat!
Heading to Yahoo to drink with the nerds.
It’s a free developer talk w/ a guy we knew from London. Drinking beer before it starts…
Yahoo get a point for better beer and not making us sign NDA. But Google had free wifi.
Christiann says official hash tag is #y7os. Stay tuned. First beer has been drunk!
Talk is going to be about Yahoo UI and things to make, find and share. #y7os
“If you use a [code] library, you might be able to have a holiday. Maybe someday even a girlfriend!” #y7os
User testing is not as important for businesses that are openly antagonistic towards their users by design. Like premium mobile. #y7os
Did he just burn Zeldman? Sweeeeet. #y7os
Shit. He’s making me think I should use YUI when I redesign #y7os
@henrytapia Heresy in this building!
Finished with my cynical question: How does any of this make Yahoo money? Answer: it doesn’t. Not directly. Now, food. #y7os
Grabbed a free Yahoo t-shirt. EVERY ONE IS SIZE XXL. Curse of geek events! #y7os
@wookie_man He did. He basically said to pick one library and stick with it. He also gave much love to google products, surprisingly.
Said bye to Christian. Fun to catch up with someone we haven’t seen in 7.5 years! He’s such a good UI evangelist.
@CerealBoy Hey, I recognize that facial hair! Agree with your assessment of the talk. Very good!
@lachlanhardy So I’m not the only one that took photos in the bathroom. Good to know!
@DDsD I wouldn’t capitalise it, but the New York Times probably would. Less about spelling and more about style guide. ๐
@amandaemillar Great, great event! Well done. Looking forward to coming to more Yahoo Open Sessions!
@lotsofco So. Cute. ๐
Just completed a 4.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
Halfway through run, looked up to see woman falling to pavement. Cut her knee pretty bad. Stayed w/ her while guy got first aid.
Which I offer as explanation for why I’m running late today. Still haven’t had breakfast…
@BigCatRescue I was surprised so many others offered to help. Newtown folks are nicer than I thought. ๐
@Timmay83 Nah, it was too slow motion to be funny. Plus she was like in shock. She’s all: I saw bone! I’m like: ITS JUST SKIN, SERIOUSLY.