@Ezzles Ohhhhh, I think that would be very, very good. Like turkey sandwiches with cranberry. Fruit goes very well with ham and cheese. 🙂
Official New Moon trailer is up: http://bit.ly/H3Wmi . And man, that is the fakest-lookin’ damn werewolf I have ever seen.
@brodrigu *hand up* Data point. I’ll back that up.
Leftover coq au vin for lunch. I think I am finally starting to come around on mushrooms! They’ve gone from yuck to bleh to almost tasty…
Aww, who’s a cute widdly fluffy were-puppy? EXACTLY. http://bit.ly/NlHgO
Even xkcd is getting in on the Twilight action: http://xkcd.com/591/ Ha!
Ack. Post-boxing sneeze attack on the bus. No tissues. I’M A MONSTER!
Just completed a 5.41 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/O0nc1 #runkeeper
iPhone: for when you need to know NOW what weapon Leonardo the Ninja Turtle used. (Snook won that bet.)
@Timmay83 I think you’ll find it was a KATANA BLADE, but yeah. Basically a sword.
Woo! Congrats to @kellymcmahon for winning the Cubs contest. She gets to throw out 1st pitch at Sep. 2 game!
Weird. Doing a vanity search on Bing brings up my Twitter profile as the 1st result?! http://bit.ly/steDW
Some ideas for the #Runkeeper team: http://bit.ly/1qt4R2