@Bex_the_Femme I have one in Feathers you can borrow. ๐
Anybody know of a good QA contractor available for a couple months? (No recruiters please, want real recommendations!)
I think I officially have shin splints. Run has turned into a walk. At least it’s a pretty day. #fb http://yfrog.com/18lqxj
Just completed a 4.10 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/EgfXn #runkeeper
@bellsg Oh, I’m there! I assume we’ll all be wearing our uniform of Feb Lady Jumpers? ๐
Toodledo has been down all day. I am actually experiencing To Do List Withdrawal. This is pretty pathetic. OCD GIRL NEEDS HER LISTS.
Going to skip knitting. Stupid shin is aching, & I think I need to start ice and massage. Will see you all on Saturday for #WWKIP anyway ๐
@misswired Yeah. Old shoes and pounding on pavement are taking its toll. Time for rest and new kicks, I think.
@misswired It’s the lack of bicycle that’s the stumbling block!
Baking cookies. (Hey, @venks79, you better be recovered for work tomorrow if you want some!)
@venks79 Big box of ’em, all packed up and ready to go. ๐
Malicious incompetence of 480 drivers worked in my favour. I would’ve gotten on bus w\out the cookies! But luckily jerk didn’t stop. Again.