Wow. Change of plans. Thanks to @lachlanhardy, just realised that buying iPhone outright from Apple is best deal of all. Cancelling Optus!
@wookie_man We changed tack. Getting outright from Apple store now. Snook is in the queue as we speak. ๐
Jeff Goldblum story was a hoax, and a two-year-old hoax at that:
@SupFarn Yep, official site says “outright purchase.” 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $849. Snook reports queue at Sydney store but “they have plenty”.
@SupFarn Apologies. $879 for 16GB.
@twelveeyes Saw it on Twitter today. Snook has verified at Apple Store. 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $879 for “outright purchase.”
Just realized girl in front of me at chemist was getting morning-after pill. Suddenly puts own life stresses into perspective.
Not feeling very well. Going to skip the Friday night drinks and head home for rest. ๐
New iPhone is set up and synced. Yay! Tested out video camera and compass. Snook is entranced with my hand-me-down 3G.
Ugh. Virus. I feel sleepy and nauseated, and I haven’t even gotten out of bed.