After feeling fuzzy-headed and crap all week, suddenly I’m firing on all cyclinders. Good thing too – today has been manic at work.
My grandpa just forwarded me a picture of an albino peacock “as proof of God’s beauty.” He means well.
Internet – please tell my sister that is an AWESOME domain name for her bakery.
@nametrader True. She tried to get it but somebody’s squatting. Given that it’s part of her surname, I’m hoping she’ll get it eventually.
@nametrader Carbo, believe it or not. She’s been emailing back and forth with them. She’s made an offer; waiting to hear back.
Finished all my actual work for the day, then spent an hour doing my other job for the Guild. And my shoulders are aching from coughing. ๐
@Alacaeriel Did you turn off the wifi? If you walk through a lot of wireless areas in the city, that can disrupt the GPS I’ve found.
I got a hell of a stew goin’ on.
Another day, another Guild brouhaha. My website report for the Exec was CENSORED to replace the word “Ravelry” with “the internet”.
@Ezzles I can’t believe you actually did it! The world needs photos…
@bellsg Totally agree. I am obsessed with Joan’s look and am seriously thinking of dyeing my hair red and buying a girdle.
@knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim FRITTERS? MUFFINS? CUPCAKES? What part of “low carb” do you guys not understand? YOU’RE KILLIN ME HERE! ๐
@bellsg We’ve only just watched the first season. So I’ve still got more to go!