A-ha! Knitting Utegate mystery has been solved. The mystery email purported to be from me was from someone else entirely!
@Timmay83 And I’ll probably still be coughing from this cold. Barry and the Apples will definitely be bringing up the rear of the team comp!
@witty_knitter HAHAHAHA… It was you! Check your email. ๐
@witty_knitter Sent. Enjoy the insanity. ๐
Three meetings in a row… Let’s do it.
Hm. Someone I was in contact with 10 days ago has been diagnosed with swine flu. I caught my “cold” 48 hours after I saw him. o_O
Darn. Swine Flu Victim only got sick in the last two days, so no chance we caught it from him.
On top of everything, frickin’ Guild (Joomla) site got hacked today. So that’ll be fun to fix.
It wasn’t a targetted hack; just some script from China taking advantage of site vulnerabilities. Pain in my bum, really.
@sharre Fell into it. Snook & I were like we are now from the start. Moved in together after 3 months. It helps that we are THE SAME PERSON.