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Any of you use Evernote? I’m trying it out to see if it can tame the beast that is my scribbly work notebook. Tips appreciated.

Always fun to find people tweeting mean things about you, as opposed to talking/emailing like human beings. 🙁 @bendbeanies @deadlyknitshade

In positive news, I’ve invited AU knit graffiti artist to SnB Thurs. She seems really cool & promises lots of info/gossip from NGA exhibit.

@Ascasewwen Ahh, but did you steal it? Of course not. You’re not a sociopath.

@codepo8 See, “punny baby t-shirts” & “something to blog about” are far too high on my list of Reasons to Have a Baby. Hence, no baby. 🙂

Old guard of the Guild think I’m hell-bent on destroying it from within, while the “punk” knitters think I’m a stuffy Grandma! Too funny.

Thinking srsly about starting guerilla scrapbooking movement. Will involve public use of hole punches. I DON’T EVEN CARE IF I GET ARRESTED!

Left work an hour early for Dr appt, only to find he’s running an hour behind. On the plus side, might as well kill time with a massage!

Hmm. Graffiti Macramé? My wonky owl-shaped plant holders will speak of urban decay, Western decadence, & shocking lack of fringe in society.

@crumpet I knew you’d like the owl reference! My grandma had one like that, and it was awesome. 🙂

I got antibiotics for bronchitis. And my massage? SHE WALKED ON MY BACK. That was new.

@mrs_sockvictim Whatever gives us the best chance of a book deal and/or talk show appearance!

@deadlyknitshade Thank you. I did think the phone booth showed a lot of work and creativity!

@venks79 Um… even with your newly skinny self, I’ll still go with the 40kg tiny woman, thanks! 🙂

@witty_knitter I actually used that at the Dr tonight: “See, I caught this cold 2 wks ago that has devastated the Syd knitting community..”

@mrs_sockvictim Ok, you have to make that for Halloween. Except evil. SO AWESOME.

Guerilla Latchhook: turning the world into one giant shag rug, one bus stop at a time. (I can’t stop! Actually, I really like this one. Hm.)

@redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

@redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

@Justacogitating You should find them and start wrapping them around stop signs. You can be the second subversive in my movement!

@crumpet Me too! I think they must have some automated bots. Must be very quiet now. (DON’T MENTION THE HOLE PUNCHES!)

Very happy to say that Dr Chin was thrilled with my weight loss (and inches lost around waist). No charts or lectures this time!

@knitterjp Day 3 was the worst of it for me. (You should skip the knitting workshop and rest! They’ll survive.)

I sold yarn to Kim and Kelley Deal last year at the craft shop I worked in. (Oh wait. That was actually really cool!) #lameclaimstofame

@redambition Huh. When I went to Myer for a makeover, I looked like I’d been hit by Homer’s makeup gun (set to “whore”).

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.