Just completed a 13.82 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/qiSIc #RunKeeper
Just finished long slow run. Shins and lungs felt pretty good! Now, ice bath. If you hear shrieking, that’s me.
For this show application, need to list my 6 dream dinner guests. Suggestions?
Heh. Would it be totally sucking up to the ABC to say Denton?
@RTRR It’s just a hypothetical, presumably to find out whether you’d pick interesting people or ones that sound impressive.
TV show application sent. It’s like the Australian Idol for Complete Nerds. (I HOPE I GET IN!)
I went with Stephen Fry, Steve Jobs, Tetsuya Wakuda, Carrie Fisher, Terese Rein, & Queen Margrethe of Denmark. (She’s a crafter, you know!)
Watching Sex Pistols documentary. This music is making me knit faster than EVER BEFORE.
@DDsD Which is amusing, because every waitress I’ve had there in the past six months has been – I’m pretty sure – an actual Russian.
@imdominating Hahahahaha…. Almost makes me sorry I un-followed him after getting bored of all the pot-smoking and masturbation.
Another day, another chapter in the Ongoing Battle Between Kris and the Evil 480 Bus Drivers.
I support the @yarnharlot. #yarnharlot