@devvyleys I’ve got one at my house you can photograph if you need to!
Monster circuit training session at Spudds today. Had a hell of a time trying to keep up with @chrisgander. My legs are DEAD.
@purple_velvet @sharre Well, I’m teaching socks at Guild camp in Oct., but they were reluctant to put on more than 1 sock class. #socksummit
@sharre I dunno; mine’s filling up. I think they though the Pru Mapstone was a much bigger draw. (She’s sold out, so guess they’re right.)
Whoa. http://mudrun.com.au. @shanea, @TimBags, @Steffi_83… You guys up for running in the mud? ๐
I can’t even tell the rest of the office how brilliant “Single Ladies (in Mayberry”) is, because they don’t know the Andy Griffith Show. #fb
Updated my Skype photo at work. I was using self as Queen Amidala, but coworker asked in all seriousness if I was Tajikistani. #costumefail
@sharre @randomknits Deputy Sharre has spoken true. ๐
@Diepdin Oh Em! Shouldve sent to you right away. Will send now. ๐
Started new knitting project. Sunshine yellow Blue-Faced Leicester makes me happy to be alive. This could turn into something special…
Just took a couple pics of Tasman Summer Tunic. All I need is a ribbon for the front and a button for the back: http://twitpic.com/cwjft
@gilmae BRILLIANT! Thanks for that. I’ll head down Saturday arvo.
@imdominating I’ve settled on Tweetdeck. Still crashes occasionally, but I like using the same interface at work/home/phone.
Last week I got a 2nd monitor, this week I got a window with view of Crown St and City. Happy worker. http://twitpic.com/cwvzv
Pic of dress is slightly oversaturated. True colour is more of a deep royal purple. (Paddington in Dover: http://bit.ly/3xEIf) @justjussi
@witty_knitter I wasn’t planning on it.
@henrytapia It’s normal around here! Tech team uses Skype to communicate, & I’m giving Twitter preso Mon. Mobile industry very connected. ๐