New #Runkeeper Pro version is live in AU app store! Perfect timing for City2Surf. Will take photos to enforce walk breaks.
@bellsg Week 1 is traditionally awesome. Just don’t get discouraged if Week 2 isn’t as huge!
Heh. – for when you need to discredit an enemy’s citizenship.
Note to self: If you tweet pictures of desk with incriminating bottles of Diet Coke, the Snook WILL CATCH IT.
@Opheli8 @misswired Sorry, ladies. I’ve only got sock wool on me today. (Must remember to bring a larger stash for beanie emergencies.)
My two favorite things today: I’m gonna be wired.
@Bex_the_Femme Proof that two WRONGS make an UNHOLY TORNADO OF WRONGNESS. *shudder*
@fictillius As a woman, I’d happy trade Fernwood for the Melbourne Club.
@DDsD Obviously you haven’t been on one that was tuned to “Transport TV”. (I’m not kidding.)
Heading to knitting…
Holy crap. Just watched Jamie Oliver’s pig special… after having pork chops for dinner. Next ones will be guaranteed free range.
I actually just had to run into the street and wave my arms to get a 461 driver to stop at Broadway. Kris 1; Forces of Evil 0.
Check out the 5.07 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper