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All gone! This is for @mrs_sockvictim, who wanted to see the money shot.

My final contributions tally for RSPCA Cupcake Day: $73. Woooo!

I really, really hate websites that don’t let me highlight text as I read. Like Snopes and NYT.

Ugh. Between the bachelorette party on Saturday night and the cupcake adventures of the past 24 hours, I am in major need of a DETOX.

Total Cupcake Day fundraising tally: $130.50! Thanks to Gemma for helping out with the yummies.

Fire trucks and LOW helicopters in the CBD. What is going on?

I’m a bit stressed. Couple big things to finish off this week both in and out of work. Not much time for tweeting…

Disastrous attempt at run. Blister on heel burst & soaked sock/shoe with blood. Ouch. And EWW. Will try again at lunch.

Publicly shamed a stupid cigarette-butt-dropper at Broadway. My day is looking up!