The cookies appear to have been much appreciated. My good deed is done for the day.
@Bex_the_Femme Ever used Goldwell Soft Colour Foam? I found a couple good reviews of it…
Just completed a 4.04 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper
It’s the kind of day where you can just see the next five glorious months of spring/summer unfurling ahead of you. It’s gonna be good. #fb
@kms12 No? You’re anti-warm weather? But… pretty blue sky! Barbecues! Sunshine! Daylight Savings! My favorite part of the year by far.
@kms12 True. My focus has turned to gardening as my knitting mojo has waned with the lengthening days…
Sigh. @seanchadwick designed an awesome Kanye-inspired Halloween invite for us, but I fear the meme will be played out, oh, about NOW. ๐
@redambition As the Queen of Comfortable Shoes, I command you to leave the heels at home. ๐
My funky red hair allows me to feel confident in spite of tanned 20somethings on the bus WEARING NO PANTS.
Lots more baby rocket seedlings coming up this morning! Also saw some slug trails, so I put down Blitzem pellets.