@witty_knitter When in doubt, guess Don Bradman.
Just completed a 4.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/mdg45 #RunKeeper
Woke up on Mars. http://twitpic.com/iqp4x This dust storm is crazy.
Kids at bus stop wearing face masks. I am reluctant to pull out iPhone in these adverse conditions. Need some sort of iCondom.
I wore my Doc Martens today just in case I need to kick in any zombie heads. #sydneyduststorm #apocalypse
RT @acatinatree: RT @kalena: Fail Whale creator @yiyinglu creates #sydneyduststorm Fail Whale: http://bit.ly/30mVWR #apocalypse
@bellsknits I think I can see the Hellmouth from my office. It appears to be located on Crown Street.