@VenessaHunt If all symptoms are above the neck, go for it. If your chest is involved, it’ll just make it worse. ๐
Super Productivity Mode has been engaged. TweetDeck has been OFF most of the day…
@alyshajane Whatever Ginger Spice is knitting there is NOT wool. *shudder*
iPhone VOIP over 3G is now allowed in the US: http://bit.ly/AZJ8E. So when will we get it in Oz??
@DDsD Remind @Opheli8 that her own company is selling one. ๐
@Opheli8 Heh. They always are!
@gilmae Is this for MY Halloween party?! Exxxcellent.
Leaving work at 7pm in a freezing rainstorm = suck. Though of dinner waiting and a bottle of wine in my bag is making it bearable. Just.
STUPID CHANNEL 10 RAN OVER and I missed the last 10 minutes of Celebrity Masterchef. Who got through??
@redambition @randomknits Wow, and she only had one chicken ball! The others had two.
@imdominating See, I don’t get the point in picking cuz we all know Jacob is destined for that creepy baby. It’s like picking Luke over Han!
Trying to get everything done… since it’s the last day before vacation! @eileenDCoE gets here in less than 24 hours. HOW EXCITEMENT.
@imdominating I’m going downstairs to get a coffee. I’ll check at the newsagent next door. ๐
@imdominating @RobsessedBlog You guys owe me $9. ๐ http://pic.gd/e97a8e Scans will have to wait til tonight. JM: email your postal address!
@imdominating @RobsessedBlog Cover: http://twitpic.com/kngnj Inside: http://twitpic.com/kngp8 http://twitpic.com/kngq4
I am an international Twi-hard enabler.