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Schedule is up for this year’s Sydney Easter Show Arts comps…

And of course the Arts Show Schedule PDF takes forever to download and then is corrupt when you go to open it. Par for the course, really.

Discovered last night that Coles have orange pumpkins for like half what I paid. FML.

@Alegrya I’ve had two of those. You going to the place in Marrickville?

It’s lovely that another Guild group wants me to teach them about the ‘Net, but 9.30am on a Monday? Don’t they know some people work??

RT @VenessaHunt: Just saw a video “RSPCA Cupcake Day 2009 – Thank you!”: / My cookie monster cupcakes are in there!

Ah, Harvey Norman. Where you buy batteries and they print you a giant receipt on a dot matrix printer from 1994.

Shopping finished, 18 eggs hard-boiled, 39 cake balls formed, zombie doll procured…

461 driver waited til AFTER I dipped a brown ticket to tell me he was stopping at Town Hall because of an accident. The war continues.

@crumpet I am regretting putting you on my Street Team. You’re kicking ass! 🙂

This is where the Internet fails. Massive 3-car accident at Park & College, yet I can’t find details anywhere online.

@DDsD Well, partly. I want to know how an engine block ended up on the sidewalk! I need the details.

@DDsD Ask @Opheli8! I think she saw it.

Engine! On the sidewalk! (See, @DDsD?)

@DDsD People in the office heard details on the radio. That’s why I labelled the Internet a fail. (No car = no radio for me.)

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.