Shared today on Twitter

Taxi crash finally posted on the SMH: Lucky it was that early with no pedestrians! Could’ve killed folks.

@Opheli8 Inbound it goes all the way to Riley. Outbound, I have to walk up to Castlereagh. (Sonsabitches.)

@twelveeyes Heh. I was kinda wondering that too. Do they screw on to the regular cables? Good for the Tunisian crocheters, I guess.

Took @eileenDCoE for a workout at Spudds, my 2nd in 2 days. Fun! 99m on the rower. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow though…

@imdominating @Justacogitating Sent to my coworkers. They’re now threatening to stage an intervention. “SHE SENDS THEM TO ME, I SWEAR!”

@Opheli8 I think you’re meant to give those people a paper bag to breathe into, aren’t you?

@Opheli8 I will give you $1 to get Declan away from my desk.

@CarriageWorks Not nearly so trendy, but used by the Chippo locals:

@twelveeyes Pretty hilarious that it’s basically the plot to the 3rd book (Edward pressuring her to get married).

RT @Warlach: Would You Pay $199 for a Mobile Twitter Device With “Lifetime” Service? // Good god, no!

Just finished cooking a dozen strips of bacon… for use in COOKIES. Am I blowing your mind?!

@rhagern Of course I found it on the Internet, font of all bacon wisdom… 🙂

@Opheli8 Vego cookies have also been provided. They look like ripped off witches’ fingers!

Finally found the tea lights so I can light up my Jack-o-lantern!

Behold! 39 Cake Eyeballs. These worked SO WELL.

Worried that @knitterjp may have a Twitter worm. Don’t click on any unexpected DMs! JP, your machine okay??

@imdominating As long as those tights have feet, mister! *shaking fist*

Boba Fett on her way to work. (Snook is going as Indiana Jones.)

The people on the bus are eyeing my fake Jack-o-lantern curiously. Good thing they don’t know there’s a POUND of candy corn inside!

Why I love the Snook: “Damn. If only I had a Boba Fett blaster.” “WE DO!” “NO WAY!”

@AusVintageGrrl Are you at the one at Birkenhead?

RT @GlebeNet @blackmags: Vale Josephine, legendary white cockatoo at Glebe’s Friend in Hand hotel. Jo choked on salami

Cake Wrecks takes on Twilight: (for @imdominating and @Justacogitating)

Oh! They don’t email you about having Twitter lists; you just have to go to the site. I didn’t know that. I never go to the site.

@Warlach Heh, glad to hear it’s being eaten. The bag in my office is going fast…

@DDsD That sucks if it’s true, but I’m annoyed at the idea that female presenter automatically = dumbing down of show about gaming.