2010 AGM complete. My reign of terror over the Knitters of Inner City Sydney will continue for another year!
@redambition Wish you were there! One of biggest & best meetings all year. Good vibe, GREAT preso by Asa, debate on EFT for renewals, etc.
@mirvettium $5 for a tub? That’s not too bad!
Flying kites in Sydney Park. http://twitpic.com/pglj2 http://bit.ly/1xBVFf
The Fail Whale takes flight. http://twitpic.com/pglrb
I just got the 1st Video! badge on #12seconds! – http://12seconds.tv/channel/web_goddess
One last bit of kite flying, in real life video. http://tiny12.tv/7GMD2
@alyshajane My heaviest usage month has been 150mb, most months like 100mb. Snook has Exetel plan which is payg data…
Chocolate pavlova, courtesy of the Snook. http://twitpic.com/ph3nl It was VERY GOOD.
@that_alison I’ve been posting about this for the past few weeks. It’s supposed to be in the paper today. Is that where you saw it?
@that_alison Ah. Supposed to be in Sun-Herald today. Also check out Life in Chippo blog: http://bit.ly/sdy02. The skinheads are NOT locals.