Shared today on Twitter

Star Wars Status Updates: HA!

I just became the mayor of Hyde Park on @foursquare!

I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

Just completed a 4.91 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

@knitterjp @bellsknits may be the only person who can quote P&P as well as I can!

I just unlocked the “Overshare” badge on @foursquare!

I just became the mayor of Chippendale on @foursquare!

Damn. My plan to make Thanksgiving cookies is somewhat thwarted by not having a turkey cookie cutter.

@randomknits Nah, I’ve got some other alternatives. But thank you!

OH FFS. There were 6 knitters in my house last night, none of whom pointed out that the baby cardy I’m knitting HAS NO ARM HOLES.

@bellsknits I have no idea. I was so fixated on getting to the shoulder shaping it completely slipped my mind. Steeks to the rescue!

I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

Yeah, I’m turning off @foursquare’s “mayor” notifications as @ozgamer and I are just trading back and forth right now…

Coworker actually just argued against tidal power because it’ll slow the moon down and cause it to fall sooner. My brain just fell out.