Shared today on Twitter

Snook is at the #photon conference, which is hosted by Wil Anderson. Man, the dot-com boom really never ended for some folks, did it?

@gilmae Are you a PHOTONER too? Suddenly you seem so much more bleeding-edge! 🙂 #photon

@gilmae Ahhh, but are you going to the big Christmas party tonight? (The Snook isn’t. He’s not bleeding-edge enough.)

@gilmae You are sounding dangerously un-web-2.0. You need to report to your local processing center for re-education.

Sitting at Tsukasa by myself putting the final nail in my fish phobia. Mmmm, sushi. (Snook says I’m hardcore now.)

@Warlach Happened to @ozgamer yesterday. Think it means you’ve been flagged as possible cheater. Wore off after 24hrs.

Why the Twitter backchannel behind speakers at conferences really sucks: Totally agree.

Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. So needed.

Crust Pizza delivery on the way….

Knitternet preso updated for talk at Pennant Hills library tomorrow. I am bringing the Good Word of the Internet to the knitting heathens!

Train has stopped 100m outside station. This does not bode well.

GrandmaFlea is giving my introduction.