I just unlocked the “Explorer” badge on @foursquare! http://bit.ly/4Dvw2B
Searched Twitter to see if any other bloggers got spammed by Balsam Hill, and found loads of ppl shilling for them. Depressing.
@carbolicious Ahhh, so you’re sad about leaving? That’s the basis for the FB posting? (I just sent you an email.)
@DDsD We have a Museum of Obsolete Technology including original Gameboy and original iPod.
@steven_noble I don’t! I just remember the sign: http://twitpic.com/2lfto
@alyshajane I use Tweetdeck, mainly because I like using the same one on my desktop and phone and syncing columns across!
@Opheli8 Eh, you’re all just Internet people to me. It’s the “vaguely work-related” column that scrolls by too fast to read everything. 🙂
@Opheli8 Duh! Obviously that list is PRIVATE.
Operation Increased Base Mileage is in full swing.
@runkeeper Some problem with auto-tweeting today? My latest run (about an hour ago) didn’t pubilsh, even after re-sending.
@runkeeper Cool, no worries. Incidentally, Facebook didn’t publish it either…
@WildChildinAUS The Knitters Guild only takes cheques for membership. Some of us think this is the DUMBEST THING IN THE WORLD.
Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App http://mashable.com/owa #openwebawards
@WildChildinAUS And guess how much a postal order costs? $4.50! Plus you’ve got to stand in line at the Post Office! The mind boggles.