Ahhhhhh! Busy day. Busy day. Getting lots done; just that none of it is actually on my To Do list. ๐
@WildChildinAUS It doesn’t, for me. You just get used to it.
@knitabulous @randomknits SWEET. We’re bringin’ it to the fuddy-duddies.
@sharre Oh noes. Mine is knitting related AND kitsch AND silly!
@crumpet Thats nearly a sprint! Slow it WAY down and do it for three times as long. ๐
@DDsD Knitters Festive Celebration at Sidewalk Cafe at Opera House from 2. Bring sticks and string. ๐
Where are the buses? I may be a few minutes late to the Guild meeting…
@witty_knitter Just caught the 470 so I must be in front of you.
Just got word that our meeting will have an unexpected visitor. This could be interesting. I’m not gonna do a damn thing differently.
@DDsD Wait til we get drunk. Tipsy Knitters en masse is a formidable sight.