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@redambition Cute! Loving that fringe. 🙂

HOLY CRAP. Do Huntsmen spiders make webs? Because there is a hairy spider the size of a golf ball in my garden in a humongous web.

Crap. Huntsmans don’t make webs. WHAT IS IT?

RT @redambition: @web_goddess Sounds like a Garden Orb Weaver. // I think that’s it. PHEW! Thanks…

@redambition Yeah, and this one’s built his web at head height right outside the backdoor. I nearly walked into him face first!

I blogged the GIANT SPIDER. I’m calling her Shelob.

@alyshajane Hm. If she’s eating wasps, she’s welcome to stay!

This morning the spider web is gone. I hope a bird didn’t eat Shelob.