GAH. Self: There’s no point to downloading Best of Bootie 2009 at home if you don’t bother to transfer it to the iPhone.
@imdominating I do have the 2007 and 2008 versions here though. ๐
@runjohnerun Thanks for that. So your suggested training range is 145-160? or max on easy days is 145?
@ozquokka RUB IT IN, WHY DON’T YOU? ๐
Confession: I just listened to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” for the first time. Realised I only know like 4 seconds of it from a TV commercial.
@traceyh It was the best thing I’ve done! I’m much happier now.
@bellsknits @spycoredotnet I didn’t think I knew any, but I recognised a bit. I think not having a radio or MTV helps.
@Warlach You are giving me flashbacks to a Meatloaf-loving high school boyfriend. Just… don’t.
Yay! @knitabulous yarn club package just landed on my desk. Now for the all important unboxing…
Knitabulous yarn package #2:
@purple_velvet Yeah… Unfortunately licorice is my NEMESIS. This think looks like concentrated evil.
@codepo8 Niiiice. I need to get me one of those too. Need to join the social media guru herd. ๐