Just bought beach chairs at Ray’s Outdoors for Opera in the Domain with @AusVintageGrrl. ๐
RT @johnvaughn: Let’s show our support for @Steverunner If you like Phedip retweet this…#showintheloveforPHEDIP
Heading out for a 5-miler on a beautiful day…
Just completed a 8.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/8eMD8O #RunKeeper
Super productive awesome weekend. Big things are coming!
Universal truth: No matter how early you get to the Apple Store, some wanker in a Bluetooth earpiece will be in the queue ahead of you.
Head down. I am going to finish this spec today if it kills me.
@Justacogitating Nice! I just added you as a foursquare friend. Now turn off your tweets, you noob! ๐