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@imdominating This is SO for you: 🙂

@gilmae I have jealously guarded my goatse virginity for more than a decade. Since you know, I can no longer click your links. Ever.

I have received the “It’s 90210 Day!” email from 3 different Aussies. Did everyone get it, or is it because I’m the token Yank?

@venks79 That’s what mine is, but that’s recorded first thing in the morning before I even sit up in bed.

Just completed a 6.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

@Bevfam Heh. I was playing with an iPhone app called ToonPAINT. The wig is from Halloween. 🙂

Felt aching/pulling along my arch during this morning’s run so I walked latter half. No heel pain so I don’t think it’s plantar. Any ideas?

@IronBrandon Do you think I need to replace my Newtons? I’m at ~220mi. Would wear on the lugs have a that effect, do you think?

@IronBrandon That’s what I was thinking. So might just be a little of an overuse injury, I guess. Will try ice and staying barefoot. Thanks!