@VenessaHunt @venks79 That’s why our last move was NEXT DOOR. We carried everything we own by hand. ๐
@redambition Yay! Ooh, should’ve told you to join the GGR team. We’ve got several folks signed up! Might have a meetup afterwards. ๐
Just completed a 2.53 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/cx1pta #RunKeeper
@VenessaHunt Ha! I hope you called in all the favors that Mark and Sean owe you. ๐
Spudds PLUS walking home? Why yes, Virtue *is* my middle name! (However, now I have to cough my brains out.)
@redambition That sucks! Did you try the delete/reinstall trick? Turn off Wi-Fi during your runs?
@redambition That fixed it for me completely. Good luck!
Snook: “So I’m on yet another of the amazing World of Warcraft POOP QUESTS. Except this time, I’m doing the pooping.”
Insomnia! Time for codeine, I guess.
Thinking of separating my two twitter accounts and using @geekgirlrunner for all the running stuff. Should I? Or keep all together?
Okay, I’m officially separating @web_goddess and @geekgirlrunner. Feel free to switch which one you follow if you just want running stuff!
@Opheli8 I only created it a couple days ago, mostly to keep other people from nabbing it. Then I decided to actually use it. ๐
Okay, all my @runkeeper updates are now going to @geekgirlrunner, so the rest of you won’t see them unless you follow that account!