First long run in ages. Did 4:1 run/walk ratio. Foot felt sore towards the end, but manageable. Just had a well-earned ice bath.
We sold our heater to Rodd’s Korean co-worker, and his wife brought us a present: homemade kimbap! VERY good…
@bellsknits Nice. Three Sheets? That’s my favorite. Snook prefers the Nelson’s Blood.
@drkknits I love that movie. I own the DVD. My dad instilled a love of disaster movies in me. Plus OJ and Bobby Brady! What’s not to love?
@redambition I have been on a mission to try poutine for years. Is bocconcini an acceptable curd substitute??
The sewing-up of St. Brigid has begun.
Hey, it’s a shoulder! With a saddle!
@venks79 So weird. I haven’t had any bad GPS since I deleted and reinstalled. Is your route, like, in a parking garage? 😛
Albert the Knitted Magic Pudding is only 1/3 done and it’s already CRACKING ME UP. Funniest thing I’ve knitted, ever.
@venks79 Weird! Good run tho – but you need to start increasing the distance if you’re gonna do the Half…
Less than 3 hours to get your picks in for the 8th Annual w-g Oscar Contest: Win sparkly emo vampire sockmonkeys!
@ebertchicago I think my Oscar contest prize is one of a kind: handmade sparkly vampire sockmonkeys. You should enter!
I have officially signed up for the Sydney Half Marathon: Bring it on!